So use this opportunity while you can, that tailwind of low interest rates, to accelerate your debt repayment so that youre not having to do so in a less favorable interest rate environment next year or the year after. 所以在你还能够的时候利用这一时机,(搭上)这架低税率的顺风车来加速你的债务偿还,这样你就不必在明年或者后年,在相对不利的税率环境下去做这事了。
Other schemes were concessional loans, which carried obligations of repayment, but with the interest rate being low, and the loan period being generous. 其他计划则是减让性贷款,具有偿还义务;但利率很低而且贷款期限也比较优惠。
When the repayment fund has accumulated to a certain sum, the rate shall be reduced or suspended. 积欠工资垫偿基金,累积至规定金额后,应降低费率或暂停收缴。
Firstly, in order to secure a lower monthly repayment you either have to get credit at a lower interest rate, or spread your payments over a longer period. 首先,为了取得较低的每月还款你要么获得以较低利率贷款,你付款或散布以更长。
The present studies have paid attention to explain why its repayment rate is so high, yet have not compared the efficiency of group lending with other forms of credit. 但是,现有研究更多的是从不同角度来解释并不需要抵押或担保的团体贷款的还款率为何如此高,而忽视了团体贷款与个人贷款的效率的比较。
Then at the 6 point will lead to a higher pregnancy rate. On the Hike of Repayment Rate in National Student-aid Loan 关于提高国家助学贷款还贷率的几点思考
This paper analyzes the usefulness of credit guarantee mechanism against default and explains who should be the credit guarantor in student loan scheme, and tries to find out the mechanism in raising the repayment rate as well as controlling the cost of student loan scheme. 本文通过界定信用担保概念,分析信用担保机制如何能降低学生贷款拖欠率,论证谁适合作担保主体,力图寻找提高还款率的内在机理。
Factors influencing investment repayment are analyzed, and the relation of mobile cellular base station quantity deployed and communication availability rate and investment repayment is described. 主要分析了影响投资回报的因素,及移动蜂窝系统基站建设规模与可通信率、投资回报的关系。
Individual housing loan is the key points of estate trust loan. Because of the low ability of repayment by individuals, the absence of appraisal system on individual trust, the lack of bank management, the rate of violation of contracts is on the rise. 个人住房贷款业务是房地产信贷业务的工作重点,由于个人还贷能力降低,个人信用评价体系和对信贷人约束手段的缺乏,银行管理的缺陷导致个人住房贷款违约率呈上升趋势。
So starting with the main four parts concerned with and benefit from the loan, including the government, universities, banks and students, several methods and policies were put forward about improving state subsidies 'repayment rate. 从国家助学贷款主要涉及和受益的四个方面(即政府、高校、银行和学生)入手,分析并提出了一些有助于提高国家助学贷款还贷率的策略和途径。
The high repayment rate and its effects on poverty reduction of group lending have drawn the attention of many economists and policy makers. 团体贷款以其骄人的还款率和在扶贫方面的突出表现吸引了众多经济学家和政策制定者的目光。
At present, main factors affecting the scale of implicit pension debt in China are interest rates, demography, debt repayment time and average growth rate of wages. 当前影响我国养老保险隐性债务规模的主要因素为利率、人口年龄结构、偿还债务的时间以及社会平均工资增长率。
At the same time, it has attracted manyeconomists 'and policy makers' attention for its high repayment rate. 团体贷款的产生还不到半个世纪,便因其骄人的还款率及其对缓解贫困的作用吸引了众多经济学家、政府官员、政策制定者以及所有关心扶贫问题的组织和人士的注意力。
To give dual attention to macroscopic and the microscopic factors, to define the credit risks from the payment ability and the repayment wish and proposes a default rate measurement model structure based on our real situation to combine the payment ability and the repayment wish. 3. 兼顾宏观和微观两方面因素,从偿还能力和偿还意愿两方面对信用风险进行定义,并根据我国实际情况提出将偿还能力和偿还意愿结合起来度量违约概率的模型架构。
Through estimating the Panel Data Model by the regional data of 1998-2006, the author finds three factors, farmers 'income, the added value of the rural economy, and rural loan repayment rate, are influential to the rural funds outflow. 通过对1998-2006年的地区数据建立PANELDATA模型估计发现,农民收入、农村经济增加值、农村贷款还贷率是影响农村资金外流率的三个因素。
Microfinance, using completely different from the ordinary form of loans given to the financial markets that had previously been excluded groups of loans outside, and using a special institutional arrangements and risk management techniques to ensure a high repayment rate. 小额信贷,采用完全不同于普通贷款的方式给予原先被金融市场排除在外群体贷款,并且采用特殊的制度安排和风险管理技术,保障了很高的还款率。
Financing in the international market to borrow funds in one currency, and repayment of funds is another source of currency exchange rate between two currencies may lead to changes in borrowing costs. 在国际市场融资中借入资金是一种货币,而还款来源资金是另一种货币,两种货币间汇率的变化可能导致借贷成本增加。
Because these methods can not adjust expected cash flow in according to the change of environment, and can not determine the discount rate ( anticipated repayment rate) effectively, also has not considered the competitors, as well as external economy environmental factor. 如不能够及时根据环境的变化对项目预期现金流进行调整;难以有效确定贴现率(预期回报率),也没有考虑项目的竞争者,以及外部经济环境因素。
Group lending is a unique micro-credit model. It has aroused the attention of the world because of its higher repayment rate. 团体贷款作为一种独特的小额信贷模式,在还款率方面取得了巨大成功,从而引起了世界各国的注意。
This analysis considers comprehensively the important factors to repayment rate after putting microfinance mechanism into practical economic environment. 这种分析进一步将小额信贷机制置入更加现实的经济环境中来综合考虑影响偿还率的重要因素。
The result shows that loan size, age, industry, sex, nationality and marital status have influenced repayment rate in different ways. 结果发现贷款金额、小组成员的年龄、从事的行业、性别、民族、婚姻状况等都对小额贷款的还贷率有明显的影响。